Find the signage boards that works best for you & your business.

We have a wide range of custom Printed Signage Boards so that you can add your own personalised touch. And if you need help, our printing experts are standing by to help make the process as simple as possible every step of the way.

Boards Categories

Printed sign boards, often simply referred to as signboards, are an effective means of conveying information, advertising, branding, and providing direction in various settings.

Custom boards can serve a variety of purposes, from advertising and branding to informational and decorative displays.

Here's a general guide to creating custom boards tailored to your specific needs:

  1. Identify Purpose: Determine the purpose of your custom board. Are you creating it for advertising, branding, wayfinding, instructional, or decorative purposes? Clarifying the purpose will guide the design and content decisions.
  2. Choose Material: Select a suitable material for your custom board based on its intended use, durability requirements, and budget. Common options include foam board, PVC board, acrylic, wood, metal, or corrugated plastic. Consider factors such as weather resistance, indoor or outdoor use, and ease of printing or customization.
  3. Design: Create a visually appealing design that effectively communicates your message and aligns with your brand identity or theme. Consider incorporating engaging graphics, bold typography, and eye-catching colors to capture attention and convey information effectively. Use design software or work with a graphic designer to bring your vision to life.
  4. Content: Determine the content to be displayed on your custom board. This could include text, images, logos, contact information, product details, event information, or any other relevant information. Keep the content concise, clear, and easy to read from a distance.
  5. Printing and Customization: Once the design and content are finalized, proceed with printing or customizing the board. Depending on the material chosen, you may print directly onto the board or use adhesive vinyl graphics for application. If desired, consider additional customization options such as embossing, engraving, or adding dimensional elements for a unique touch.
  6. Mounting and Installation: Determine the mounting method and location for your custom board. Consider factors such as visibility, accessibility, and structural support when choosing the installation site. Ensure that the board is securely mounted and positioned for maximum impact.
  7. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your custom board looking its best and prolong its lifespan. Clean the board periodically using mild soap and water or appropriate cleaning solutions. Inspect for any signs of damage or wear and make repairs or replacements as needed.
  8. Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of your custom board by monitoring metrics such as engagement levels, brand recognition, or sales impact. Collect feedback from stakeholders or audience members to evaluate the board's success in achieving its intended objectives. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements for future iterations.

Whether you're creating signage for a business, event, or personal use, custom boards offer a versatile and effective way to convey messages, promote brands, and enhance visual appeal. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create custom boards that make a lasting impression and fulfill your objectives effectively.

