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Vinyl PVC banners

Four Ways to Use PVC Banners to Boost Business

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Vinyl banners are one of the most powerful marketing mediums in the world.

Large-format PVC banners spread over buildings, stages, as backdrops, and almost anywhere else grab attention right away and leave a lasting, memorable impression.

Here are four ways to use vinyl banners to boost your business:

1. Vinyl banners On a building

Traffic and pedestrians buzz by building after building, and most don’t even take stock of their unchanging surroundings. A bright, colorful vinyl banner draped across the front or side of a building at a busy intersection can spruce up the scenery & turn heads. And get your ad noticed by hundreds or thousands of potential customers every day. If you don’t have a prime location, ask another (non-competing) business owner. If you can rent ad space on their building.

2. Vinyl banners On a stage

Festivals, music tours, performances and other social events invite advertising. Put your vinyl banner front and center for the big event. And you might just be in the spotlight the next day. Try contacting event promoters, venue owners or the acts themselves (depending on the type of event) to see how you can get your banner in front of thousands.

3. On an overpass

Railroad overpasses and bridges in high-traffic areas are perfect places for PVC Banners. Not many companies take advantage of these opportunities, so you can position yourself as a diamond in the rough. And attract double the attention by being in an unexpected location. Public-owned overpasses have traditionally been off-limits, but many municipalities have recently begun renting ad space to offset tax losses in the current economy. Railroads are often controlled by railroad companies themselves, so contact these companies directly to inquire about advertising opportunities.

4. Banners At athletic events

From football stadiums to golf courses, skating rinks to basketball courts, athletic events draw millions of eager customers every year. If advertising in professional venues is not within your budget. Try contacting smaller colleges and high schools to inquire about advertising opportunities. Sporting events present unique opportunities for targeting your audience with Vinyl banners. For example, a women’s volleyball crowd might be very different from a men’s weightlifting crowd. Typically called sponsorships, you can often strike a deal that puts your message in front of thousands at a time. For a relatively low fee. Nothing gets mass attention like a large-format vinyl banner, creatively placed.

Make sure your banners are professionally printed by an online printing company such as Printex. Which offers white vinyl matte banners that stand up to the elements. If your Vinyl banners are going to be in a windy area, or likely to encounter stormy weather. Opt for vinyl mesh banners (also available from Printex) with hems and grommets to reduce wind resistance to increase longevity. Harness the power of oversized marketing to boost your business with vinyl banners today.

For further reading about the history and uses of vinyl PVC banners please click the link here.

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